
Showing posts from December, 2019

Mystery Box is Full of shit

JJ Admits he cant do endings??  World replies "No fucking shit "  JJ abrams ,who I will confess to hating the absolute fuck out of,has admitted he is better at opening stories than endings. Viewers of pretty much every TV show he's ever made have long known this fact. Some of his critics have accused his mystery box theory of drama of  being creatively bankrupt and an excuse to simply put random stuff in his shows with the vague promise of some pay off in the future. In Fringe he admitted he hadn't worked anything out at all ,other than lets do cool science stuff.?? They just leapt on the idea that the alternate universe was popular and made that the focus of the show. Anyone who has ever seen the ending of Lost would theorize the same was true about that show also. An ending so bad the writers of the Batman Arkham City game wrote there criticism of it into the mouth of the joker "why did it all end in a church?" Now the Ending of the Disney St...