Comic Making part 4 :A New Hope
When last I blogged I was getting over the death of my father ,
a spectacularly failed indiegogo campaign
and the jealously of seemingly everyone else's success in that area.
Funny how a little while can change everything.
I Sucked it up, even though all I wanted to do was sleep,and drink.
I put out a notice on twitter for artist taking commissions
to give me there portfolio links and price lists.
Rodrego (god bless his heart)re tweeted it and made appeals of his own for artists.
An artist I approached my self turned me down flat as my user name was comicsgatekeeper
and he believed all the lies about it.he wished me luck but still a no.I decided against trying to educate him about the truth of the matter and the propaganda .I was more likely just piss him off rather than change his mind.
Then a new artist approached me as we PMed he sent me a sketch of my characters
and seemed highly enthused about the whole project.If he was so excited about the project then maybe I could be again too.
So now I'm back where I was in January about to release an indiegogo campaign
getting art together to wow the general public.
Again all I have is hope,
a kid with big ideas and no experience.Just an love of comics and a crazy dream to get other to love his comics as well.
So here I go again
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