Da, script
Murder rinse repeat Dark Wrought Iron looking Bat shaped Ship arrives in orbit near a green watery planet The ship descends into the atmosphere and begins to heat up flames lick around the front end of the craft. We see a beautiful white towered town near a blue ocean in the background a fiery ship descends with a flaming trail behind it. It swoops down near a ship landing bay with several other parked space ship on the ground beneath it. We close in on the beak coming to a halt buried into the concrete of the landing area with cracks in the surface and flaming debris nearby. The neck of the ship opens just a crack with gas escaping. it opens more and we see two gold squinting angry eyes gleem out of the darkness within the doorway. The door open more. A gruff male voice says “Remember where we parked ,Tubbs” The duo of kreekraw and kris stare out from the doorway onto the landing platform “ jeez ,they coulda' cleaned the place up “ says the same...