
Showing posts from June, 2020


So I lost my artist ,which is a tragedy,as I really liked the fella on a personal level  despite never meeting in person. It took me a while to get over the shock and numbness of it and to get back to finding a new pencil jockey .I was told I had to offer a refund due the obvious delays that would now be involved in bringing the comic to people.Thankfully only one person has taken up that offer everyone else seems to be in this till the end.Among the messages of support I got was help to find a new artist ,so now we may be back on track . This has been a long old road from noob to comic book writer/publisher and its not over yet.The biggest thing I've learned is to not let set backs get you down and paralyse you into inaction.Road blocks are inevitable and Hopefully character building. so new artist and therefore new looking book here we go again

Fairy Magic?

So one police man in a far away land called Minnesota decides it's great idea to lean on a purps neck and the poor fucker dies . Now we have mass rioting ,arson ,looting and lots murder of black people. Seems reasonable. Thieving under the guise of outrage quickly spread to other greedy lawless fuckers in other U.S.cities and now all US criminals have brand new TVs from target.  Problem solved ,right? Alas No. Not to be out done ,greedy ,violent arseholes from all over the western world  decided they wanted to smash things too.Why should Americans get to have all the fun ? Now comes  the other thing that annoys the piss out of me  about these opportunistic cunts, the god-damn virus remember? The one that was we were supposed to sacrifice our most basic freedoms for or the police will get you ? The one with the  falsified death counts and outright lies told about how dangerous it was . The one meant to get you nice and scared for whatever bullshit ...

Disbursement has Happened

The next Stage in the Crowdfunder journey has Been Reached. The money has been paid out. After site fees and international banking fees of course. Now My artist can be paid and I can look forward to the completion of the line art the rest of the colourisation and the wonderful world of lettering. Exciting times.