Star Wars Rebels Too Many Wolves
I love the hell out of star wars rebels.
A show that whilst usually for children
actually feels like star wars
unlike those new abominations.
The characters have personalities ,believable interactions and not a Mary sue
or a bland diversity character in sight .
The battles were great ,entertaining and frequently surprising
given how out gunned our heroes usually are .
There was a clear sense of who the good guys and the forces of evil were
a rare commodity in today's media.
Modern cartoons have a tendencies to be bizarre ,off the wall oddness played for laughs,
what happened to shows about good and evil?
Has moral relativism really destroyed all hope of a show about light triumphing over dark?
Every week I loved the adventures of the ghost Squadron and the efforts to free the citizens
of Lothal from the tyrannical rule of the galactic empire.
I watched them grow as a team, as a family and eventually join in the larger alliance of rebel groups.
why did the last half of season four suck so much ass?
The short answer is
"Do we need to save the day this week ?"
"Why, no ,we got wolves."
"Our plan seems to have failed, what do we do now?"
"Nothing we got wolves."
I'm amazed the entire empire wasn't brought down by this ill conceived
and definitely ill explained magical wolf ex machina .
Seriously I'm amazed the the wolves didn't storm the imperial palace at the end
and bugger palatine into surrender,such is the awesome god like power of wolves,apparently.
three and a half years of brilliance and they end it like this,
If I ever meet a wolf
I'm gonna kick it in the god dam, god like, balls .
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