Saturation point

A person on twitter the other day stated
he's already dropped hundreds on indiegogo comics  ,
he's out of it for a while.
Is the market saturated?
Was the first wave all that there was?
Where they protest donations about zak's bad treatment by Antarctic
 and Ethan van sciver endlessly being lied about in the comics media ?
Has the bubble burst?
Too many people jumping on the bandwagon
not enough money to spread between too many hopefuls.
Well fiddle sticks.
now there's decent in the ranks as well,
 little divisions, arguments, accusations
 People saying since our movement is about how we hate liberal politics forced and shoe horned into stories we shouldn't have politics of any kind.
people saying that the people that have hoovered up most of the money are mostly industry pros leaving none for the true indie creator to even get started.

Quite frankly I don't care
 these are minor quibbles ,
I just want to make a comics about alien abductees getting into shoot-outs across the galaxy
while trying to find there way home.

so bitching and politics be dammed

 it's comics time


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