Its is time

Less than 24 hours ot go until indie go go goes live with my comic
KreeKraw and Kris:Must Be Destroyed
I about as nervous as a very nervous person with a very good reason to be nervous
(to paraphrase blackadder)

Soon i'll find out if I'm going to be a comic writer or join the list of failed crowd funding campaigns that seem to litter the highroads of the comic book internet.
Its not the amount of failed campaigns that really makes me nervous ,to honest .
Its the quality .
That is to say I've seen genius, brilliant comic ideas fall flat with almost no money
Putting my idea out there for scorn or praise doesn't frighten me any more but the idea
that better people than i, have failed hard makes me nervous.

despite all that
I'm still putting my head on the block

KreeKraw and Kris:Must Be destroyed
(and funded too, please)


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