Post Mortem (ad hominem, in nomine patris)

The campaign is over and it is ,charitably speaking, only a partial success.
The advice I got for the next campaign
will be invaluable if I'm to succeed as a comic book writer
 so lets do a list

  • Non American money??
Something I never ever would have considered one kind soul said he doesn't ever invest in something not in US money .Its more difficult to see if your getting value for you hard earned cash.I wonder how many others felt the same way

  • Not enough finished pages
As a noob I naively thought my gorgeous promo art would be enough to entice readers?
oh boy i was wrong on that one,people were not shy about telling me.
The magic number of pages suggested varied from 5 to nearly complete

  • A re write on the indiegogo page to make it "POP"
I aint exactly a charming snake oil sales man from the old west.
I sucked ass in every sales job I've ever had.
so I'll consult a friend, he's a giant bullshit artist and should know when things sound more customer friendly.

  • Build  a youtube following
 I have been a youtuber since august but its slow going and very early days at this point,I have several hundred more twitter followers than youtube subscribers .

  • Get on Other Peoples Channels
Was invited on a very kind fellow's discord but my computer is old as the hills
 and I'm technically inept
Turns out discord is hard
(harder when you dont have a camera or microphone)
so get on a bigger youtube channel?
Easier said than done .These people are inundated with requests like this.
 I couldn't get a how do you do ,let alone a youtube plug for the comicbook.

Best advice i got on twitter was,of course, to keep grinding away .
This set back is only temporary  and once I finally got some sleep
and got some perceptive back I could see that.
The relaunch beckons
and I'm mere determined than ever to be a comic book guy



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