The Talentless Mr Abrams


"And what rough beast, it's hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?" 

W.B. Yeats

I have no evidence this Irish poet was writing about JJ Abrams but it's hard not to think about him when reading the Second Coming.

Rumours of JJ Being attached to the DCEU  have been around for over a year,usually in connection to a justice league dark project .It now appears the Cinematic anti-christ is searching for a script writer for a new superman movie.No details are known as yet but it seems certain there will be poor dialogue,Colossal plot holes and a shallow ,paper thin story masquerading as deep and meaningful.

Obviously JJ will move into an executive producer role for the inevitable sequel to avoid blame for the audience not returning  and massive box office drop off.


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