Bad Batch Episode 6 Decomissioned Not These Annoying Cunts Again
I never had any great love for the clones wars show .It was quite samey , slightly entertaining at best.So when clone wars characters started to litter Star Wars Rebels in the later season I was not a huge fan.I just wanted them to stick to Ghost squadron.Now I'm watching the bad batch it has the same problem as clone wars, mildly diverting but not really great.I was expecting clone force 99 to break out of there hideously lazy stereotype roles a lot sooner than episode 6 (and they still haven't). There's still the big, dumb, strong ,child like one: the smart slightly patronising one with glasses :The heroic leader with good plans and there's even the young wide eyed kid who needs to learn shit so as not to quite such a constant damsel.They stick to these tropes like a hooker at a millionaire party.
I'm sticking with the show (for now)because I love star wars and am wondering where they're going to take this idea of renegade clones in the days of empire. But now they are trying my patience. Those two one note arseholes from season seven .The ones with the Antifa haircuts to hide they have no personality at all.
Trace and Rafa AKA The most annoying cunts in the galaxy.They manage to make my piss boil to such an alarming degree I turned off the show.I researched if they were going to become regulars on the bad batch and once I was reasonably sure they were just "guest twats" I carried on watching the episode.
I still can't decide who I hate more trace ,the one who has a dump on her head or the other one.The one without the turd hair cut .The only vaguely interesting thing they did was contact Asoka at the end .Apart from that it was wall to wall annoying and constantly sabotaging the bad batch's mission and generally cuntery.
You have to have the character have some charm, wit or personality in order for them to challenge the main characters and still be empathised with .These fuckers had none of the above.
How about we leave these two non entities in the black hole of obscurity
and and never talk about them again?
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