Do it ,I fucking dare you

Rumours are swirling (as they often do) that the new "star wars" movie
 will destroy the beloved correlian light freighter , the millennium falcon.
Peoples reaction have ranged from disbelief to horrified ,stopping by at angry town for a 5 course meal.
I however cant wait, bring it on I say
They've already destroyed ,blown up and shot down everything else that's good about star wars now were just burying its corpse.

They  made a fundamental error with attempting to go after a new young audience.Obviously pissing off the older fans but what they failed to realise was the older audience was already going to bring the next generation of fans in to the cinema for them
 free of charge
 aint we lovely??
 in the form of there children ,nephews, nieces, godchild and grandchildren.
The next generation was already assured ,all they had to do was not make a films so woke and fucking moronic that the current fans wouldn't rebel against them and forswear going to see star wars ever again by the millions.
TLJ making half as much money as the force awakens
and Solo losing tens of millions being a prime example.

I raised my little chickens on a steady diet of the original trilogy and prequels
they asked for toys ,computers games etc
when last jedi came out the littlest one said  "this is fucking bollocks ".
quite right young man but watch the language.

They could have had it all
the old fans and the new fans
 but now they have no fans.
and they have only themselves to blame.

NOTE: JJ abrams is now set to make DCU movies  not content with destroying star trek and star wars


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